I dont know anything

Sometimes I want to forget you, sometimes I want to be with you, now I think that I prefer... I prefer... I dont know what I prefer now. After to talk with you, only think in meeting new people, about concentrating me on to do other things.
I dont know if I want to see you again, only I know that I don't want to cry. I feel that I did everything that I felt. I'm not sure if I've mistaken, I don't know it. And maybe I won't know it, however, now it isn't important. I'm thinking in a song of Pink, Just like a Pill. Think that I'm the person who is singing.
Now Im smiling, because the first time when I heard this song, I was with a friend, and this moment was fantastic, unforgettable. I still remember it, like if has been yesterday. The car, the night, we heard it three, four times, maybe more times. When I came back to my house, I went inmediately to my pc to download it. I tried to learn the song, each word. But I didn't think in his sense.
Now its different, I repeat, I feel that I'm who wrote this song. I've always said, if somebody is making ill, you have to leave him. But, when you are the person, when you are in his shoes... its hard. How many times I did it. But, my tolerance has end. I suppose that it's the moment. I've deleted his movil numbers (however, I have the card, yet). I promess don't call him again.

See you as soon as possible.


Veo que practicas tu inglés en tu blog también. A veces chateo en inglés para practicar. Vamos a ver qué resulta.

Sobre lo que expresaste, creo que siempre los sentimientos son confusos, y se sufre. Creo que precisamente en la dificultad de entender racionalmente los sentimientos está el paradigma. Pero creo que precisamente por eso se diferencia razón de emoción.


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